Law Enforcement Training

Law Enforcement at various levels and in a variety of environments developed into a series of highly specialised disciplines. The mere fact that all democracies demand human rights sensitive policing services from their policing organisations, places enormous training responsibilities on all law enforcement officers

Our Law Enforcement Training Division distinguishes itself from its training competitors on the basis of the following;

  • Our training experts have many years of experience in the field of Law Enforcement and the training of officials rendering services in the entire Criminal Justice environment.
  • Our company is compliant to develop curricula and to present training modules to the law enforcement fraternity. We develop and present custom-designed training programs for officers with the objective to harmonise the theoretical and practical parts of a training program. Our advanced training programs are accredited by a higher learning institution and provide successful students with credits for further appropriate studies. Our relevant approach is unique in the fold of private law enforcement training service providers.
  • Our experience and expertise regarding law enforcement management, intellegence management and the investigation of all types of criminal offences, forensic investigative accounting and the investigation of procurement fraud and related irregularities.
  • Our combined expertise and experience relating to safety, security and intelligence systems design, operations and management.
  • Our knowledge of the occurrence and management of crime, criminal threats and high-risk situations.
  • Our extensive experience and knowledge relating to strategic resources and major event security and the operational training requirements of the relevant operational managers and staff.

The following are examples of our Law Enforcement Training Programs

Police Training

Advanced training for Traffic and other Law Enforcement Officers regarding;

  • Middle Management Law Enforcement Training
  • Senior Management Law Enforcement Training
  • Crime Investigation Training
  • Crime & Security Risk prevention training.
  • Operational Security Plan development training
  • Basic Law Enforcement training
  • Ports of Entry Security training - including border patrol
  • Anti-terrorism training
  • Customs and Excise training
  • Intelligence Management training
  • Management Ethnics and Anti-Corruption training

Advanced Tactical Training (ATT) in;

  • Close Protection
  • Advanced Driving
  • Shooting and Fire-arm management
  • Close Combat
  • Basic Law Enforcement
  • First Aid
  • Disaster management
Close Protection
Law Enforcement Training

Our training services provide for;

  • Development of Training Curricula, Modules and Programs
  • Development of appropriate Learning Material
  • Supply of Learning Material
  • Providing of Subject Matter Experts (SME`s)
  • Presentation of Training Courses in contact class format or combination of class format and home assignments and e-learning
  • Testing and evaluation, and
  • Certification